Delegate Cowles moved that the bill take effect .

            On this question, the yeas and nays were taken (Roll No. 120), and there were--yeas 97,

nays 0, absent and not voting 3, with the absent and not voting being as follows:

            Absent and Not Voting: Border, Ellington and McCuskey.

            So, two thirds of the members elected to the House of Delegates having voted in the affirmative, the Speaker declared the bill (H. B. 2646),

            The question being on the passage of the bill, the yeas and nays were taken

            So, a majority of the members present and voting having voted in the affirmative, the Speaker declared the bill (H.B. 2625) passed.

            Ordered, That the Clerk of the House communicate to the Senate the action of the House of Delegates and request concurrence therein.Nest("\\Spock\Sessions\SetPrefLocofDocsHVote.wcm")